



欢迎来到 GPTSecurity!这是一个专注于未来安全领域智能革命的知识库!

GPTSecurity是一个涵盖了前沿学术研究和实践经验分享的社区,集成了生成预训练 Transformer(GPT)、人工智能生成内容(AIGC)以及大型语言模型(LLM)等安全领域应用的知识。在这里,您可以找到关于GPT/AIGC/LLM最新的研究论文、博客文章、实用的工具和预设指令(Prompts)。


加入 GPTSecurity 社区,让我们共同努力,携手开创安全领域的智能未来!


非常感谢您对 GPTSecurity 的关注和支持!我们热切期待您的贡献,共同打造这个专注于 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 在安全领域应用的知识库。请参阅以下指南,以确保您的投稿在适宜范围内、更好地促进交流讨论。

1. 选择适当的类别


  • 研究论文:收集和整理关于 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 在安全领域的最新研究论文,包括但不限于软件供应链安全、威胁检测等主题。
  • 博客文章:整理专家和研究者在安全领域使用 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 的实践经验和分享,包括案例分析、技术评估、应用展望等。
  • 实用工具:提供针对 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 在安全领域的开源工具、插件、库等资源,以便开发者和研究者进行实际操作。
  • 预设指令(Prompts):整理和分享适用于 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 的预设指令,以便在安全领域进行更有效的训练、推理和测试。

2. 保持内容的高质量


  • 准确性:信息和数据应准确无误,遵循最佳实践和业界标准。
  • 可读性:文章和描述应该清晰易懂,逻辑性强,避免使用过于复杂的术语和缩写。
  • 原创性:请确保您提交的内容是原创的,未在其他地方发表过。如引用他人的观点或研究,请注明来源并遵循适当的引用规范。

3. 贡献提交流程

在 GPTSecurity,我们鼓励社区成员以不同方式提交贡献,以便于适应各种技能和需求。以下是三种不同的贡献提交流程,供您选择:

  • 使用 Github Issues 提交:贡献者可以通过 GitHub New Issues 发起投稿。在标题中注明 “GPTSecurity 贡献” 和类别(如 “论文”、”文章”、”工具” 或 “指令”)及稿件名称。在评论内容中,提供作者信息(如有多位作者,请列出所有作者及其联系方式)、稿件来源地址、对该稿件的介绍以及对 GPTSecurity 社区的价值。如有相关链接或拓展资源,请一并提供。Issue 提交后,我们会尽快回复您,确认接收或提供稿件补充的建议。
  • 使用 GitHub Pull Requests (PR) 提交:贡献者可以通过Github PR发起资源合并请求,请为您的Pull Request 提供标题和描述,详细说明您所提交的更改内容。Pull Request 提交后,我们会尽快回复您,确认接受或提供额外相关的建议。
  • ** 使用 GitBook 提交: ** 我们会邀请核心贡献者加入我们的 GitBook 仓库,从后台直接维护该知识库。如果您对此感兴趣,请先通过 GitHub Issues 或 Pull Requests 参与贡献,我们会根据您的贡献情况来邀请您加入 GitBook 仓库。


我们感谢新一代AI赋能网络安全实践者——云起无垠发起并运营该项目, 衷心感谢每一位参与和支持 GPTSecurity 发展的朋友。正是有了您的热情投入和无私贡献,我们才得以将 GPTSecurity 打造成一个汇聚 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 在安全领域应用的知识库,共同推动安全领域智能革命的发展。


欢迎大家加入 GPTSecurity 微信社群!备注”GPTSecurity”与云起无垠小云成为好友。在这里,我们汇聚了众多热衷于探索 GPT、AIGC 和 LLM 在安全领域应用的专家、研究者和开发者。我们深感荣幸,能与您一同携手,共创这个充满活力和新意的社区。

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Welcome to GPTSecurity! This is a knowledge base dedicated to the intelligent revolution in the field of future security!

GPTSecurity is a community that covers cutting-edge academic research and practical experience sharing. It integrates knowledge on the applications of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), AI-generated content (AIGC), and large language models (LLM) in the security domain. Here, you can find the latest research papers, blog articles, practical tools, and preset prompts related to GPT, AIGC, and LLM.

GPTSecurity not only focuses on current technologies and trends but also aspires to be a participant and promoter of the intelligent revolution in the future security domain. In this rapidly developing field, we need to work together, embrace change, and continue to evolve to better apply new technologies in security amidst the wave of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our goal is to provide a convenient collaboration platform for practitioners, researchers, and developers in the security field, allowing them to share experiences, exchange ideas, and explore new possibilities.

Join the GPTSecurity community and let us work together to create an intelligent future in the security field!

Contribution Guidelines

Thank you very much for your attention and support for GPTSecurity! We eagerly look forward to your contributions to jointly build this knowledge base focused on the application of GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security domain. Please refer to the following guidelines to ensure that your submissions are within the appropriate scope and better facilitate communication and discussion.

1. Choose the Appropriate Category

Before submitting a contribution, please ensure that your content fits one of the following categories:

  • Research Papers: Collect and organize the latest research papers on GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security domain, including but not limited to topics such as software supply chain security and threat detection.
  • Blog Articles: Compile and share practical experiences and insights from experts and researchers using GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security field, including case studies, technical evaluations, and application prospects.
  • Practical Tools: Provide open-source tools, plugins, libraries, and other resources for GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security field to facilitate practical operations for developers and researchers.
  • Preset Prompts: Organize and share preset prompts suitable for GPT, AIGC, and LLM to conduct more effective training, inference, and testing in the security domain.

2. Maintain High-Quality Content

We highly value the quality of contributed content. Please ensure that your submission has the following characteristics:

  • Accuracy: Information and data should be accurate and follow best practices and industry standards.
  • Readability: Articles and descriptions should be clear and logical, avoiding overly complex terms and abbreviations.
  • Originality: Please ensure that your submission is original and has not been published elsewhere. If you cite others’ opinions or research, please indicate the source and follow appropriate citation norms.

3. Contribution Submission Process

At GPTSecurity, we encourage community members to submit contributions in various ways to accommodate different skills and needs. Here are three different contribution submission processes for you to choose from:

  • Submit via GitHub Issues: Contributors can initiate submissions through GitHub New Issues. Indicate “GPTSecurity Contribution” and the category (such as “Paper,” “Article,” “Tool,” or “Prompt”) and the title of the manuscript in the title. In the comment, provide author information (if there are multiple authors, list all authors and their contact information), the source address of the manuscript, an introduction to the manuscript, and its value to the GPTSecurity community. If there are related links or extended resources, please provide them as well. After submitting the issue, we will respond to you as soon as possible to confirm receipt or provide suggestions for supplementing the manuscript.
  • Submit via GitHub Pull Requests (PR): Contributors can initiate resource merge requests through GitHub PR. Please provide a title and description for your Pull Request, detailing the changes you are submitting. After submitting the Pull Request, we will respond as soon as possible to confirm acceptance or provide additional relevant suggestions.
  • Submit via GitBook: We will invite core contributors to join our GitBook repository and directly maintain the knowledge base from the backend. If you are interested, please first participate in contributions through GitHub Issues or Pull Requests. We will invite you to join the GitBook repository based on your contributions.


We thank the new generation of AI-powered cybersecurity practitioners—Clouditera for initiating and operating this project. We sincerely thank every friend who participates in and supports the development of GPTSecurity. It is your passionate involvement and selfless contributions that enable us to build GPTSecurity into a knowledge base that gathers the applications of GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security field, jointly promoting the development of the intelligent revolution in the security domain.


Welcome to join the GPTSecurity WeChat group! Mark “GPTSecurity” to become friends with Xiao Yun from Clouditera. Here, we have gathered many experts, researchers, and developers keen on exploring the applications of GPT, AIGC, and LLM in the security field. We are honored to join hands with you to create this vibrant and innovative community.

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